
Gardens—I so love my gardens—I often wonder why I love them—not because they're beautiful—but the work it takes to create and maintain them is crazy.I get up early and out i go—weeding, cutting,planting,turning the soil,—fertilizing—I said to my friend—the garden will either keep me young or kill me—She looked at means said—Well,the way you look right now I'd say it will kill you.She might be right  


Spring Update!

Hi Everyone...

Spring is finally back and so am I!! First let me say "thank you" to all of you who missed me and sent messages and even worried about me. SO SWEET! I'm fine, really, I was a little under the weather during Christmas (I didn't make Christmas eve and Christmas dinner - shocking) and when the new year came I was faced with dear friends who had major challenges and some who lost their fight. I realize each day is important — and its up to me, and all of us, to make sure it is — I've always been grateful, but now gratitude is important to feel and acknowledge every single day. I'm not really working (once in a while I go on an audition) but everyday is so busy...doing what? I don't really know, but it feels complete and important. I love all my friends — and you are certainly part of that — your continued concern for me means so much, again — thank you.

Now that it is Spring — I'm (of course) gardening — way too early, I know, but I have my fingers crossed that my plants won't die. I'm so impatient. I'm also going back to my eBay store with new things — hope you'll take a look! Let me say goodbye for now with a photo of a boxwood (from my property) wreath. I made it (so easy) with a wreath form I bought at Michael's, doesn't it look great?!

Happy Spring, everyone!

My Love,

Healthy Living

Hi Everyone —

So many of you have been asking me how I lost weight and seem to be keeping it off. (Like a lot of us — THAT is a very big accomplishment). Now, I have lost weight and gained it back a thousand times (Sound familiar?) but this time — I'd say a year and a half ago — I really studied what I could eat — not just salad with chicken (Because we all know after 2 months of that we can't even look at another chicken) I think the trick is variety — it's true, I have given up carbs and sugar — but if you really eat lots of different things you won't feel deprived. Next week I'll give you some of my recipes and maybe you, too, can see your own results. Remember, I'm just like you — hopefully I'll eat this way forever... or not!!!



Hi Everyone — Sorry — I went MIA these last few weeks. So many things to do — I finally found a new apartment in NYC "YAY!" — the packing, the buying, moving — the excitement, and crazies — you know — exhausting!! This is another change — if you're like me — I'm not good with change. Vivien, of course, has been on my mind — this last year without her — Did she know how dear she was to me? Did I ever tell her that? Friendship — it is so important, yet we take it for granted. So — friends — let's make a promise — let's remember to tell each other how we feel — how our friendships keep us strong and safe — Thank you for your love and friendship to me — here's mine to you.


Fall Fashion

Believe it or not — Fall is on it's way — isn't it scary how fast the time goes — everyone says it — I'm not sure why we all feel it, but it seems to be true. That being said — get a jump on your fall wardrobe. — not that you have to buy all new things, but spend one day — yes — just one — to go through your closet and "try on" all your clothes. Those that don't work — take to a consignment shop or to a charity organization — the ones you keep — make a list what to buy that can make them a complete outfit — like, a belt or a scarf — or earrings that work — be selective — build a new, complete wardrobe not a big wardrobe, but a great one.


Gardening Update!

So many of us are gardening "crazies" so — I thought I should show you how gardeners from the 18th century created their topiaries — from the woods. All you need are branches and brown string (from the garden store) and you can achieve the most fabulous, most individual, most memorable garden look. I do variations of these in all my gardens — Send me photos if you try this!


Rainy Sunday

Hello — It's Sunday — early evening — my favorite time of the week — the rain is lightly falling. Everything is so peaceful and quiet. I'm looking out the window in my kitchen at the herb garden and I suddenly thought: I should tell you all what a friend of mine told me many years ago — Rain has NITROGEN. When God's rain falls it makes our gardens, grasses, and our plants all come alive — it's the Nitrogen. Isn't that lovely to know? God really is great!
